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Posts published by “scoopit”

Gigabit Internet for $70: the unlikely success of California’s WHY NOWHERE ELSE? Hint: Oligopoly

Via – Demand TransformationThey offer each house up to one gigabit per second in bandwidth, making this one of the fastest streets in America. For only $69.95/month (100MBps for $39.95, both include phone service. … Wondering “why can’t somebody else do this?” You’re asking the right question. But you may not like the answer.Via

Rootstrikers: Organization to Clean Up Politics

Via – Demand TransformationHOW DO WE CLEAN UP POLITICS? 1. Provide that public elections are publicly funded; 2. Limit, and make transparent, independent political expenditures, and; 3. Reaffirm that when the Declaration of Independence spoke of entities “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” it was speaking of natural persons only.Via

The coming medical revolution. We need HYPERINNOVATION to fix Health Care Crisis

Via – Creating the FutureTechnology has the potential to transform our concept of sickness.   There’s nothing in the 2,000-plus page [Healthcare] bill that gets into this kind of hyper innovative individual medicine, biosensor leveraging, genome and all these sorts of things – it doesn’t really show up.   But it is a great opportunity to make medicine and…